Tuesday, August 26, 2008


With the use of cementing materials people had been able to construct houses, roads, bridges, buildings, etc. using naturally occurring and/or pre-fabricated materials such as rocks and concrete hollow blocks.
Before, primitive man uses naturally occurring stones to lay together and create rough walls, later he learned to trim it to fit better and become more solid and firmer. later again he learned to use bricks from clays and uses it to make structures such as the pyramid. Finally man uses various materials mixed together like cement, aggregates and others to create better, stronger, higher structures of today.
  • CONCRETE - is a composite material made up of inert materials of varying sizes that are bound together by binding materials/medium. it contains cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, water, reinforcing steel, and air.
  1. Cement- a powder substance of lime and clay, mixed with water to make the mortar. It is the binding material used to connect or hold together other materials.
  2. Aggregates-fine aggregates or sand is generally the product of natural disintegration of silica bearing or calcium bearing rocks. coarse aggregates usually come from natural gravel.
  3. Water- is the solvent used to mix cement and aggregates to give it a plastic behavior. it's amount greatly affects the strength and workability of the concrete.


Humans - in their nature- have the ability and skills to produce something big out of something small. It is their tendency to create things with something he has, as when you give him wood he will make furniture, give him stones he will make buildings, give him steel he will make towers.

Most of our structures, devices, appliances and other things were made out of man's curiosity, and ability to think and make.You need not to be super intelligent scientist with all the frizzy hair and thick eye glasses to be able to do or construct something.Because many of today's products are done and constructed by common and base peoples, those who really know the needs and wants of an individual. Even children today can create or construct things from their imagination, from playing Lego alone you will be amazed of how marvelous the figures they can make. Even robots can be created by an elementary or high school kids, especially in technologically advanced countries.

Now I have given you something to read, i know you can do something from it do it now.

Edward Hail " I cannot do everything, but I still can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do".